Fundy Android Apps

GeoNote 1.1
Fundy Android
This is a very handy app. GeoNote records geo-tagged walkingobservations. It automatically sends short or verbally-enterednotes with GPS coordinates to a preset home email. Received emailshave a link to Google Maps with an icon marking the preciselocation from which the note was sent. This forms a permanentrecord. Satellite location setting must be switched on AND aposition established.. (It will also work with WiFi Location, butnot very accurately) The email is only set once when the app isfirst installed. After that, it is automatic.
Location Tracker 1.3
Fundy Android
This app is designed to send a string ofemails to a preselected recipient account, each of which detailsthe current location of the person carrying the device. Theseemails have a link to open Google Maps with a green icon markingthe location.The use is for sending your location to a friend in case you getlost or have an accident. It will also signal the location of thephone in case you drop it. If two users have the app installed intheir phones, the app can be used to keep track of each otherslocation.Using the two scrollbar menus, the user preselects the intervalbetween emails and the maximum time to run the tracking for.The default setting is 10 minute intervals for a 12 hourduration. This would send up to 73 emails, 1 to start and 4 an hourfor 6 hours. You may wish to alter these settings depending on yourintended use. If the signal is weak, a message will be skipped.You also must preset the recipient email, but this should onlyhave to be done once, and afterward the app should remember thataddress.To set the email, tap the email setup button at the bottom ofthe landing page and then type your chosen target email in theupper white Text Input box of the new page which appears. Leave nospaces (for example [email protected] ). Thentap the middle button to save the address permanently (unless youchange it later). Check that the correct email is saved by tappingthe lower button.You may wish to add a short comment in the white Text Box. Thiscannot be changed in the middle of a round of tracking.Now when you have it all set up, tap Start to begin tracking.When you are done with using it, remember to tap Stop.If the location is temporarily unavailable, no email will besent, so the number of emails received may be less than the maximumnumber expected.The app will continue running in the background until it isstopped, and does not need to be visible on the screen to work.
Measure Height 2.6
Fundy Android
This app is designed to estimate the height of hills, towers orbuildings. Begin by carefully aligning the red dot at the center ofthe phone's viewfinder phone with the highest point of the buildingor tree. You should be standing perhaps twice as far away from theobject as you estimate its height to be. Preferably you are onlevel ground at the same elevation as the base of the object. Allthe commands in the app are on the sliding menu bar in the centerof the screen, When the app opens, the orange button 1 is shown.Scroll the menu down for the other options. Tap the orange buttonmarked '1) record the angle'. The measured angle and the locationwhere you are standing should then appear written over the orangebutton. Your observer position is now marked on the lower map witha yellow dot. Now scroll down until the orange Button 2 ivisible.You will locate the object on the map by sliding the map until theobject is in the center. Then tap Button 2. The object lo0cationshould now be marked in yellow on the screen. To calculate theheight estimate, scroll down past the orange buttons. The height,distance away, and angle of measurement will appear written in thewhite box just below on the scrollable center menu. The heightestimate depends somewhat on the variability of the GPS positions,which only claim to be within 10 m of true location. Most often,they seem to be within 3 m of true position. Note: For the GPSlocation settings to function accurately, the Location setting mustbe set to Use Satellite Location on the Location settings of yourphone. It may take a couple of minutes till the satelliteconnection is established properly and you must wait. You can checkwhether it has a satisfactory signal by starting Google Maps first,and checking that your location appears on the screen as a bluetriangle. Because it hogs battery power, the Satellite Locationsetting should be turned off after you finish using the app, unlessyou choose to leave it on for other apps.
Mecca Pointer 2.1
Fundy Android
Mecca Pointer displays a line pointing to Mecca from your currentlocation.
Touch Elevation 1.8
Fundy Android
Using this app, tap any point on the map and the elevation will bedisplayed.
More Maps 1.9
Fundy Android
This app offers over a dozen additionalfunctions beyond what are normally available in Google Maps.The app has a ruler and path measure, but also can calculatepolygon area and property boundary descriptions.There is a tracking feature which draws your path and saves alog. Also there is a button to show elevation for any point on themap.Circle overlays can be added to the map for any chosenradius.There is a Placemark feature which records comments and lat/longfor any point.Tapping the map causes elevation to be displayed for thatpoint.The Sunset feature shows the current direction of the sun as anorange band during daylight hours.
Future Seer 1.3
Fundy Android
Future Seer is a fortune-teller app.It accepts a question and, based on the category, provides aresponse.
Little Dipper
Fundy Android
To measure the dip and strike of a geological outcrop
Montreal Square Mile Mansions
Fundy Android
A walking guide to the historic Square Mile mansions
Fleet Tracker 5.8
Fundy Android
Fleet Tracker monitors the real-timeindividual positions of a fleet of vehicles without the purchase ofany hardware except for the Android phones.The current vehicle locations can be viewed at the office on adesktop computer. This web-based display shows the vehiclelocations on a Google Maps page.Access to the web map, and some other functions are providedthrough the portal page: app will monitor a fleet of up to 20 vehicles. You will needone copy of the app per vehicle.After a brief one-time set-up, operating the app requires only asingle button tap to either start and stop the operation.If you are interested in using this app for a larger fleet than20 vehicles, please contact me at [email protected] and toarrange some customization for your company.
Ottawa Heritage Tour
Fundy Android
This app is a detailed guide to 250 heritage buildings neardowntown Ottawa.
Work Estimate 1.1
Fundy Android
The Work Estimate app is designed to quicklyassemble a job estimate at the site and immediately email it to theclient.In addition to also sending a copy to the contracting company, thisestimate is stored and forms the basis to automatically send thefinal invoice.COMPANY SETUPTo setup the app for the first time, you enter some basicinformation about your company, the name, phone number, email andcontact person.On the landing Job Estimate page, tap Setup and type thisinformation into the appropriate text entry boxes on the CompanyInfo page. Tap Save and then review your entries to ensure they arecorrect.\n\nNote that this Setup needs only be done once, when the app isfirst installed. The information is stored permanently on the phoneafterwards.CUSTOMER INFOTo begin, tap the Customer Info button on the app landing pagescreen and then enter the requested informatoion about the client;their name, phone, email and any other comments you choose. Thentap the Save button.Client information is stored by phone number.JOB ESTIMATENext return to the Job Estimate page and tap Job Details.Enter the client phone number at the top, then a job descriptionjust below that.You have several ways to can enter the job details.First is a line beginning with Units. You might use this if you areestimating based on square feet, for example. Enter the number ofunits, their type, and finally enter your billing charge perunit.If you scroll down this Unit line, there is another (optional) lineinto which you can enter the dimensions of the area for which theUnits number refers. After the length and width are entered, tapArea. The answer will appear in the Units box in the upper of thetwo lines.Next down, if you wish to list parts, there is a scrolling sectionfor parts 1 through 4.For each part type, enter the name, the cost (do not enter thedollar sign) and the number into the appropriate sections. If youdo not enter the number (#), it will be assumed to be 1.Below the parts section is an optional line where you can enteryour billable hours and hourly rate.The next line down has a box marked Other where you can enter anyother charges in your estimate. In the simplest form of anestimate, this might be the only text box that you filled in atall.To the right is the final text entry box into which you enter thepercentage tax which will be added to your bill, 13 for example (donot enter percentage symbol).The bottom text entry line is for reductions. These can be either afixed amount like 200 entered into the left box, or else apercentage discount like 10, for example for a 10% seniorsdiscount.When all the info that you choose to enter is complete, tap Totaland that amount will appear in the blue rectangle at the bottomleft of the screen. If this seems OK, tap Next to go to the ReviewSummary page.SENDING THE ESTIMATEAssuming you entered the client information, and repeated theclient phone # on the Job Detail page, then client details will beshown above the job item amounts.Check the amounts to ensure they are correct. Then tap SendEstimate and an email containing the estimate summary will be sentto the client, and a copy sent to your company email for arecord.SENDING AN INVOICEAfter the work is completed, you can also use the app to send afinal invoice.Return to the Job Detail page and enter the client phone number andthen tap the Retrieve button. The estimate details should re-appearin the appropriate text boxes. Then type Next to go to the ReviewSummary page.You now enter the payments details into the white Payment Termsbox, for example Due within 30 days. Then tap Send Invoice and acopy will be sent to the client and another to your companyemail.FINAL ADVICEDo test the app first with an imaginary client, to which you assignyour own email address. Follow all the steps and you should receivetwo copies of the estimate and two of the invoice to your owncompany's email.
Halifax Heritage Building Tour 2.2
Fundy Android
A walking guide to over 350 heritage buildings near DowntownHalifax.
Tree Spotter 2.4
Fundy Android
This app is a handy guide to 85 types of treesof the Northeast USA and Eastern Canada.There are also sections on poisonous plants, hawks and owls,animal tracks and scat, and Bay of Fundy zeolite minerals.There is a built-in feature to send home geographically taggedfield observations.
Fundy Mineral Collecting 3.0
Fundy Android
This ecotour app extensively details 45collecting sites on the NS Bay of Fundy.Includes map centred to user location (on-demand), links toweather and tide, zeolite and mineral pics and identification info,and background reference.Also sends verbal geo-tagged field notes to user's email. (Besure to first set your own email by clicking the setupbutton.)It also offers driving directions and shows the best walkingtrail.
Lunenburg Heritage Buildings 1.5
Fundy Android
This app is a feature-filled walking tourguide to 160 heritage buildings in the Old Town of Lunenburg, NovaScotia, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site on account of itsunusual and old residential architecture.Each site has a photo and description. There are visualreferences to architectural styles, sliding panoramas of the majorstreets, and a recommended route.The app shows your location in real time over a satellite viewmap image. Clicking an icon brings up a description of the nearestinteresting building to your location.The app can be also used remotely to tour Lunenburg fromafar.
Snore No More 1.0
Fundy Android
The choice of vibration is to avoiddisturbingyour partner by the sound of a ringing phone.There are two Settings options. One choice called Noise Levelisthe sensitivity threshold which determines how loud a snorewilltrigger the snore alarm. The default setting of 55 decibelsassumesfairly loud snoringand also that the phone be kept close to the head. Ifaftertesting, this is found to be not sensitive enough, choose alowernumber from the dropdown menu labelled Noise Level.The second option called Notification changes the typeofvibration notification. The default setting signals with anSOSmessage. The other options are for a shorter or a longervibration.Note that the signal will repeat at intervals until thered Tap ToStop button is pressed.To use the app, tap the button Tap To Start and thenquietlyplace the phone in your pyjama pocket or in your pillow.There is aten second delay at at startup to provide enough time toplace thedevice somewhere without falsely triggering the alarm.You can press the button at the top or side of your phonewhichdarkens the screen. This reduces power consumption and the appisdesigned to work even when the phone is 'sleeping'.If you are awoken by the vibration, press Tap To Stop to endthevibration. When you want to return to sleep, restart the appbypressing Tap To Start again.If you want to listen to the sound which activated thesnorenotification, tap Replay to hear the sound clip. Thisrecording issaved on the SD card of the phone in the Notesdirectory. The audiofile name is LOUD.
Pocket Pointer 1.4
Fundy Android
Records a directional bearing to an object using the screen as aviewfinder.
Your Taxi 1.3
Fundy Android
The app consists of three main parts:1) a vehicle tracking feature which keeps track of thelocationof the carsThe position of the entire taxi fleet can be monitored on awwebpage map at the central office2) a basic taxi meter which calculates approximate faresThis is not as accurate as a truse cab meter and may overorunderestimate the fare3) a taxi hailing feature for customersThis automatically places a phone call to the closest taxi. Thisisavailable as a free app for customers called YourTaxiCustomer.It also allows the clients to rate the service provided andtocheck the ratings of a driver before they choose that driver.The customers must download the free Your Taxi -CustomerApp.
Video Watcher 1.0
Fundy Android
This app turns your Android phone into aasound-activated video recording device.To use it you need only to select an appropriate noise level(indecibels) that will trigger the recording function, find agoodplace to locate the phone, and then click Tap To Start.The default noise level setting is 65 db, about equivalent toalow conversation across a room. By tapping the drop-down menu,youcan choose another setting as required.If the decibel threshhold is set too sensitive (low) thenthemany recordings will eventually fill the space on thephone'sinternal memory. Always set it for the maximum level whichsuitsyour needs.The phone should be laying on its left edge, with the backfacingthe area to be watched.The app is designed to make no noise and to block the tendencyofthe phone to go to sleep.It does not require that the phone charger be pluggedin,although that might be a good idea if the phone is not beinghiddensomewhere.The first clip is not recorded but it just used to help setupthe camera angle.The video recordings are 30 seconds in length and there is a3second gap before the next one begins to allow time to savethefile.After a recording clip is completed, its name is added to thetopof the list on the lower drop-down menu. Therefore the mostrecentfile is always at the top and moving down the list showsolderrecordings.The file names have four parts, separated by dashes. The firstisthe hour, the second the minutes and the third the second onwhichthe recording ended. The fourth number which is followed by'db' isthe maximum decibel level of the recording.You can delete all the recordings by tapping Delete All. Youarethen prompted Confirm? to make sure that you really want todothat. Tap this again and all those files will be removed fromthephone memory and from the dropdown menu list. (You also havetheoption of deleting a single recording selected from thedrop-downmenu.)To stop the app while it is recording, wait for the gapbetweenrecordings and then click the button on the main pagelabelled TapTo Stop.To replay a file, select it from the menu list and tapReplay.This sends you to a another page with a view window whereyourselection will start.On this second page, there are three buttons. On the left istheReplay button whiere the name of the file playing willbedisplayed. To replay this same recording, tap thisleft-mostbutton.The middle button on the Play page would start the recordingthatwas prior to the one you just viewed. This might not be forthe timejust beforehand, depending if there was any noise then,but for theinterval prior during which a noise was detected.The rightmost button on the Play page deletes the file whichyouhave just viewed.
Your Taxi - Customer App 1.0
Fundy Android
NOTE: This is functional only for customersofa taxi company using the Your Taxi (Driver) app. Check withyourdriver or the taxi office for more details.There are four buttons on the landing Page.RATE THE DRIVERSelect the Driver Number from a dropdown list. Then Ratethe Taxiona 1 to 5 scale for Punctuality, a Clean car, a Nice Vehicle,SafeDriving and Good Manners. Also there is an Overall Rating andaplace for a short comment.When these are entered, tap the Tap Here to Save Button torecordthe rating. Only the most recent rating for each Driver isretainedon file.CHECK THE RATINGSSelect the Car/Drver number at the top and then tap the ChecktheDriver button to see previous ratings.The Ratings are displayed with the Car number in the leftpaleblue column. In the rightmost dark blue column is theoverallrating. In the center grey area are the ratingsforPunctuality/Cleanliness/Vehicle/Driving/Manners, in thatorder.PROCEED TO MAP PAGEThis feature displays a map with the locations of nearby taxis.First you are sent to a Data Input page to confirm name, thetaxicompany name and your own phone number and emailFill in those boxes and then the Tap Here to Save button.TappingReview Settings button allows checking the info onfile.This information needs to be filled in only once, the firsttimethe Customer ever uses the app. After that it is reembered andtheText Boxes are filled with the information on file. Then alltheyneed to do is tap the Go To Map Page button to proceed. Thisleadsto the Map Page.THE MAP PAGEThe are four buttons to choose from.RE-CENTERThe Satellite Dish icon at the left re-centers the map totheCustomer's actual location (if they have moved the map).The second Clipboard icon leads to the Driver Rating pageasdescribed above.The third icon which shows Three Cars leads the customer toViewDriver Ratings, as previously decribed.TAXI HAILINGThe fourth icon on the right looks like a Megaphone. By tappingthisicon, a call is made to the closest active cab. To chooseanothercab instead, the Customer can slide the map so thepreferred cab isnearest the center of the map, then tap theMegaphone iconagain.
Pocket Duel 1.5
Fundy Android
A first-person shooter, uses phone aiming and real-time locations(2-5 players)
Siege Engine 2.3
Fundy Android
use your phone as a launching device for simulated siege weaponry
Battleships 1.1
Fundy Android
This app plays a mean game ofbattleships,which pits the user against the program, both of whichtry to sinkthe same fleet arrangement in the fewest number ofsteps.The shared fleet layouts are drawn randomly from ahundredpre-selected arrangements.In this mplementation, there are seven ships, none of whichtoucheach other.To play, the user first takes their turn and keeps shootingtillthe entire fleet is sunk. Then you switch to the enemy sideandkeep pressing the fire button until the fleet is sunk.The app then compares score and decides the winner.
Find My Traps 1.3
Fundy Android
This app allows the creation of permanentsiteson a map and then permits the recording of site visit data.This is suitable for outdoor activities where sites areremoteand measurements (or catches) are taken at regularlocations.It is not specifically intended for lobster fishermen at all,butwould work well for such a use.
Real Estate Buyer 1.6
Fundy Android
This app retrieves home real estate listings for the street you aredriving
Oriental and Persian Carpets 1.0
Fundy Android
This app provides a visual guide to50varieties of Persian rugs from Iran and also of similarproductsproduced in Turkey, India, Pakistan and elsewhere.Each variety has a brief description and at least twoillustratedexamples.There is a brief guide on how to save money when buyinghand-maderugs. Also there is an introduction to rug design andpopularmotifs.This app can make you a better-informed rug buyer andenhanceyour appreciation of these beautiful objects.
Victorian Architecture 1.4
Fundy Android
A visual pocket guide to over 20architecturalstyles popular during, and also before and after, theVictorianera.There are multiple photographs of examples for each style.Thehundreds of pictures were taken in Montreal, Ottawa,Halifax,Lunenburg, Quebec City and some other Canadianlocations.
The Crap App 1.3
Fundy Android
A recent and on-going study ( that dogs tend to align their bodies along a north-southaxiswhen defecating.It appears that dogs have an internal compass to sensethedirection of Magnetic North. You may have observed yourdogtwirling to and fro for no apparent reason prior to 'goingabouttheir business'.This app provides a convenient tool to measure and recordyourown dog's 'crapping alignment' and verify thisunusualbehavior.You set your home email the first time using the app,andafterward your phone will remember it for future use. Theresultsof your successive observations are automatically emailed tothisaccount for your records.USING THE APP1) Set the dataTo set your home email tap the Setup button near the bottom leftofthe landing page screen. This will redirect to a secondscreen,Load User Info.On this screen, enter your chosen email into the upper EditBoxand the dog breed into the lower Edit Box. You then taptheappropriate Enter buttons to save this info. You can verifythateverything recorded correctly using the Review buttons.Thesesettings need only be made the first time you use the app.Forsubsequent observations at later dates, this info is recalledfromthe phone memory.2) Align the phone with the axis of your dog's spine whenitstarts to go.3) Tap the Record ButtonThis will cause an email to be sent to your designated account.Thismessage will include the alignment in degrees, whether thatresultis aligned with the north/south axis, the dog breed, thelocationand the time.Clicking the link takes you to a map showing the site onGoogleMaps.TIPS FOR RECORDING OBSERVATIONSOnly measure unleashed dogs in an open terrain. The dog has tohavefree access to the defecation place from all directions (itmustnot be constrained in any way). Do not observe your dognearhigh-voltage power lines or railways.Measure the direction along the spine into the direction ofthehead (as illustrated at top); if the dog turns its head, stillnoteonly the direction along the spine and not of the head.Please choose the breed of your dog from thefollowinglist:\n
Nature Sound Recorder 1.2
Fundy Android
This app records short sound clips, perhapsofnoises you hear in nature, or even dictation or music.There is the option to send an email to a pre-selectedemailaddress. This message lists the sound clip name on the SD cardandalso has a link to Google Maps showing the location wherethereading was measured
Park Warden 1.1
Fundy Android
Allows quick recording of field observations made by Park or Trailwardens
Placemark Diary 1.7
Fundy Android
This app allow the creation oflastingplacemarks on a permanent map and the recordingsuccessiveobservations on repeat visits to a familiar site.Property outlines can also be added as transparentoverlays,along with walking trails.The observations are time-stamped and geo-tagged. Theycaninclude detailed comments which can be retrieved later.This app has many possible uses, including field observationsofany type, or bird-watching sightings.
Sunset Times 1.8
Fundy Android
calculates the time of sunset and sunrise, and true noon, from anylocation
Color Match 1.8
Fundy Android
The Color Match app is used for selecting appropriate matchingcolors.
Dream Catcher 1.4
Fundy Android
The Dreamcatcher app provides a convenient bedside method to recordthe subject of dreams in the brief seconds after waking whilst theyare in our still fresh in our memory. The descriptions can beentered verbally. Then at the tap of a button, the note areautomatically emailed to a preset home mailbox. The app is easy touse. The instructions can be read by tapping the round icon at theupper left of the main screen.
Traffic Spotter 1.1
Fundy Android
Traffic Spotter helps collecting of traffic data and saves toonline spreadsheet
Bixi Land 1.7
Fundy Android
The Bixi Land app offers several important features not offeredinthe app offered by the Bixi service. This app shows a map ofallthe Montreal Bixi docking stations, The mapped locationsarecolour-coded to indicate whether there are bikes and/orspacesavailable. The station status is updated in real-time.Theextensive Montreal Island bike path network is traced ontheunderlying map. A timer recenters to your true location andcountshow long you have remaining on your Bixi rental. It alsokeeps tabof any extra Bixi fees you may accumulate by returning thebikeslate. The app will locate the closest docking station andthenshows its current status in a pop-up box. It is free ofadvertisingand is designed as a tool for the rider.. There is alsoa briefexplanation of the Bixi price calculations, which can beconfusingto the new user (and costly if you do not return thebikepromptly)..
Pocket Surveyor
Fundy Android
Calculates the area of irregular-shaped properties and has manyother tools
Mom's Taxi 2.0
Fundy Android
This app acts like your own taxi meter to estimate what thetaxifare would be for any given drive you take. You click theSTARTbutton to begin the fare and the STOP button to end it and seethetariff. There are four dropdown menus at the top which can beresetbefore starting, should you wish to customize the billingrates. Asis, the rate charged is a base fee of $3.00, plus $2.50per mile(same as about $1.50/km.), a time charge of $.35 perminute, and apossible extra charge (which by default is set to $0).There isalso a button at the lower left which turns off the GPSlocationseeking if you just want to try out a route on the map. Inthisuse, the mileage rate is increased by 40% to compensate forthetime charge of an actual fare. The app is designed to work withthephone's location settings switched on for both Use SatellitesandUse Wireless. However establishing a satellite GPSconnectionrequires a view of the sky, and even then may sometimestake up tofive minutes to stabilize enough for the app to workproperly. Youcan check if a location has been found by opening thebuilt-inGoogle maps application and checking of a blue triangle hasyetappeared, which denotes a signal has been established. Afteryouare finished using the app, you should turn off the UseSatellitelocation setting as it uses more battery power.
Essen Dog Study: MagnOr 3.4
Fundy Android
This app is an info-gathering tool for the research study
Nova Scotia Waterfalls 1.4
Fundy Android
A pocket guide to over a hundred fine waterfalls in Nova Scotia
Tartan Maker 1.4
Fundy Android
Tartan Maker allows you to quickly create and save/retrieve newtartan designs.
Polytalk Translate 1.0
Fundy Android
Translates to ten languages, back-translates to check accuracy thenreads aloud